Branding | UX/UI | Marketing | Packaging

Project Brief

Starlight Drive In is a local drive in movie theater in the Atlanta area, and is credited as being one of the first drive in theaters in the United States. I created a new visual identity system for Starlight, to modernize the theater and attract a wider audience.


When redesigning Starlight’s visual identity system I wanted to highlight their Art Deco aesthetic while modernizing their brand. I designed a new logo, digital platform, and created a new marketing strategy.

Mark Design

Primary mark in black and white

Mark in secondary color options

Digital Expansion

To expand on the theater’s digital presence I redesigned their website and created an app prototype. The website and app would allow potential movie goers to have easier access to information about screenings and events.

Promotion Plan

To attract a wider audience I came up with the potential concept of creating a regular event called, Classics Screenings. Where they would screen an iconic film and design and sell merchandise to help promote it. To showcase this I created one for the film Hidden Figures.

Theater Assets


Lush Rebrand


Paramount Network On-air Branding